Tuesday, February 14, 2017

To the Love

Happy Valentine’s Day!!!

Wow, the town is red again and whatsoever love is in the air. Social Medias are filled with every love quotations and even a heartless opinion about the day. Many believe it is a waste of time and money while many believes in showcasing their gifts and present how awesome their day is going. But the fact remains, no matter what perspective people may hold, Valentines has always given a whole new reason for the lovers to treat their other half in the best way possible (of course, those who are interested).

While many argue that as St. Valentines was executed on the particular day so it is more like celebrating the death of a person but what could be more honoring to the person who sacrificed his life for existence of love in the world than by spreading love around and expressing the emotions out loud. It is not about celebrating over the dead body of a person but is rather keeping up the deeds he sacrificed his life for by continuing to rejoice love with great charm in this world where expressing love stills seems like a taboo.

Of course, love should be celebrated every day and one does not need a special day to make that special someone feel more special but not all of us are so expressive and romantic at all times. Valentine’s Day, is a reason for inexpressive ones to express their love in a very special manner. It is not always necessary to buy expensive gifts and do boastful approach in love but by showing simple gesture of love and care you can make the other half feel special and this very day gives an excuse to the lovers to tell their other counterparts, how blessed they are to have them in life.
Time to express love more because world needs more of love.
And for those who are single, it’s time to celebrate singledom and pour love to yourselves because who can love you better than you yourself. 
Hope you all will enjoy your Valentine's with an awe.

Let’s spread love people.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Happy New Beginning!!!

 “A story to foretell
A new journey
With new tale
Before every beginning
There’s a farewell”

-Jenisha Manandhar

Farewell is a requirement for a new beginning. Until and unless we say goodbye to one thing we cannot completely move on to next just like an end of a year marks the beginning of New Year. Definitely not all of us are so fond of farewell especially when it comes to say bye-bye to the people, to the things that you have been so attached to. More attached we are with people, things, and moments more hard it is to part away. Farewell is not an easy task yet we are inclined to do it sometimes to end things and sometimes to mend things.

Some people are so important, so special, some feelings are so essential and some moments so meant to be treasured; but life- life is not a fairy tale and there will come a time when things are not same as they have always been.  A change at times, leads to parting away.

Photo Courtesy: Silent Photography
Well, good thing about the goodbye is, it gives us new start, new path to follow. We might be little confused and bewildered at first but my friend, it’s all about taking one step ahead with courage and believe in yourself. And sometimes it sets you free from attachments, unworthy relationships and sometimes it just feels good.  Like with the end of year, we celebrate the end, cherishing the lessons and moments that year brought to us so that we can welcome a new year with maturity and positivity. Parting is necessary otherwise we would not get a new year.

Now, as we are at the beginning of yet new year; its time to say farewell not only to passing year but to all the fears, negativity, old grudges and heartbreaks. A whole new year is here and it is time for a fresh start, so let’s grab our good emotions, courage, and begin this journey with smile and positivity. Let’s make this year a happy year.

Happy 2017!!!


And my dear we differ on whole perspective of life Your ultimate goal is to settle down And mine is to travel, roam and never to...