Monday, July 18, 2011

Do you want to go back to ur skool??

The answer for this question would be yes and no....
Yes i would love to but in order to relive and recall those memories of my past or lets say childhood. I have always loved those days of my life. I found my most precious and best friends there and of course the best teachers. I went there today and the warmth , love of that environment still persists. Ohh how i missed my those mischivieous yet lovely 10 years of my life. I met my dear teachers but i couldn't meet all of 'em. The moment i entered there today and i came out it felt like i have never left this place. It was so amzing and lovcely feeling. I really loved the whole experience of going back to my school. I was still remembered by my teachers and of course i remember them. Well some of our teacher sure thought that we would forget them but seriously how can we forget them. they are the one who make us capable and taught so many good things about life along with course of studies. I really can't afford forgetting that part of my life that gave a base to my present.
But if u ask me to go school to study and have a whole new experience then I would deny it because life is about getting new taste and experiences not getting the good memories again and again. Also what is the guarantee of it that it will be enjoyable. Remember it was never enjoyable when we were there but when we look back today we see only the positive things and enjoy reliving those moments. I have spend my days over there, made friends who are my best buddies now; sometimes i cried, sometimes i laugh; shared my feelings; had crush;), well list goes on and today I'm enjoying remembering those moments. I would not want to trade it for anything. Those days, moments, years; i would like to keepsake it and relive it but living it all over again, i would not want to do that because it would make those memories more like wasted.
School days are always so fabulous now as we remember it. I loved my days of school and miss it so much. I did have bad hair days but still I had fun.
Cheers to School Life!!!


And my dear we differ on whole perspective of life Your ultimate goal is to settle down And mine is to travel, roam and never to...